Term 4 Principals Message

Alhamdulilah, we’ve reached the end of 2022, a full year of teaching, learning, sporting activities, excursions and events. What a busy, productive year it has been!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Alhamdulilah, we’ve reached the end of 2022, a full year of teaching, learning, sporting activities, excursions and events. What a busy, productive year it has been!

We are very proud of our students who received awards in the various categories on our Presentation Day, as well as all those students who did their best and have shown improvement throughout the year.

As we look back at our successes and areas for improvement, we will be celebrating our achievements and exploring new ways to improve. I want to express my immense gratitude to staff, students and parents whose efforts have not gone unnoticed, and who made MGGS work well in its initial years. I also want to acknowledge the MGGS School Board for their support throughout the year.

Ms Sima, who has been with MGGS from the start of the journey, will be taking leave from us. We thank her for her valuable contributions to the administration office and wish her well in her new endeavours.

Finally, I wish the school community a safe, happy and restful summer 4break and look forward to working with you in 2023 insha’ Allah.