By Sarah Charkawi 7 Opal
Ms N. Ali, Ms M. Seddiq
This term, Year 7 learnt about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the topic 60,000 Years and Counting. We were able to understand their cultural heritage and beliefs by reading their heartfelt poems which helped us gain a deeper understanding of how they felt about their loss of culture and identity. We also learnt about the many hardships Indigenous Australians suffered due to colonisation. Below is a poem I wrote in class, from the perspective of an Indigenous person.
They took our land
Filled our mouths with sand
So they could settle
And take out their kettle
None of the others ever said a word
And if we did we were never heard
They filled our hearts with fear
As we sat against each other sharing tears
We all could hear our beloved land calling our name
We all knew we would never be the same
We thought our generation would be golden
But a twist took place and changed our fate, and now we are one of the Stolen
Mrs Kheir, Ms Rasouli, Ms Anwaryar and Ms Thiri
In term 1, the mathematics faculty focused on exercise book strategies and the importance of keeping a neat and completed book. Teachers emphasised on the importance of keeping thorough worked solutions.
Year 7 completed the topics of Beginning in number and Number and Indices. Students were also prepared with NAPLAN strategies. Year 8 completed Working Mathematically, Number and Algebra Techniques. Students developed understanding and fluency by communicating and connecting mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols.
Year 9 commenced the term with Year 8 revision, Algebra and Indices. Students were also prepared with NAPLAN strategies. Year 10 commenced the year with year 9 revision, Algebra and coordinate geometry. Students developed understanding and fluency by communicating using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols in mathematical contexts.
In term 1, students commenced work on Education Perfect. This is an online platform designed to help students to complete assigned revision tasks for all topics studied. Students were also able to self-assess and choose any topic they may need further support in.
Ms S. Thiri
In Science this term, students developed their working scientifically skills through various topics. Students questioning, predicting, processing and analysing data and information skills were supported to improve their understanding and recall of information.
Year 7 covered the topics of Being a Scientist and Properties of Substances. Year 8 worked on developing their science skills and the topic of Matter. Year 9 covered the topics of Materials and Reaction types. Students were tasked with an assignment that required them to observe, record and analyse the results obtained from reacting substances like acid and metals. Year 10 covered the topics of Natural Selection & Evolution and Geological time.
Students recognised the role science had in personal, social, and global situations relating to everyday life. They developed a willingness to use logic and evidence to engage and respond to scientific ideas and developments as informed, reflective citizens.
Ms S. Thiri
Year 8 Geography
In Geography, students have been learning about different geography tools and skills such as types of environments, types of maps and using these skills to interpret maps. They are also looking and the different landforms and landscapes and how these impact the earth such as weathering and erosion. They also looked at the appreciation of the land from an Indigenous Australian perspective as well as how they manage the land.
Students have been investigating the changes to the landscape, management and protection by looking at different landscapes including those listed on the World Heritage Site.

Year 9 History
9E and 9R in History have been learning about the Industrial Revolution. During the past few weeks, the students created a role play showing the different social classes that existed during the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, these social classes were mega-rich, upper-class, middle-class and lower-class. Students had to create their own scenario and perform in these roles. These are the photos from their performances from both classes.

Year 9 Commerce
In Commerce, students have been learning about making consumer and financial decisions where they had the opportunity to discover what influences our decisions to make consumer choices. Students discussed various methods of payment including the impact of technology on payment, different types of loans and how to create a budget. Students were given the opportunity to work on a scenario in which they were given $500 by a relative for Eid and they had to collect information and compare products to be able to persuade the relative of the product that they wish to have for their Eid present. To consolidate their learning, we use Blooket an interactive quiz in a game format that encourages students to answer questions about what they have learnt and are to respond within a time limit and are rewarded with points that they collect.

Year 9 Commerce
In Commerce, students have been learning about making consumer and financial decisions where they had the opportunity to discover what influences our decisions to make consumer choices. Students discussed various

Year 10 Commerce
In Year 10 Commerce students studied Employment and Work Futures. We explored the ins and outs of the world of work considering the different types of employment, industries and workplace laws, just to name a few. Students also considered factors which could support them in maintaining a work-life balance in the future and accordingly balance both their Deen and Dunya obligations.
Ms M. Anwaryar, Ms J. Taher
Year 8 Geography
This Term in Arabic students studied a number of topics from Shopping and Health Care, to Family and Food. Students engaged in enjoyable dialogues, speaking and comprehension tasks. The most important part of learning a language is enthusiasm, commitment and practice. Learning Arabic language is a journey and it’s my pleasure to be supporting your daughters in this blessed path. I encourage MGGS students to practice their dialogues and speaking tasks at home and activate their knowledge through recitation of the Qur’an.

Ms E. Elsankari, Ms D. Mohamed
This term, all grades of Technology developed skills in various areas of digital technologies. Year 7 explored concepts related to digital technologies and how to be good digital citizens when interacting in the online world. They developed skills in using Google Apps and made a website. Year 9 developed their online drawing skills, using a program called SketchUp to design a personal logo.
Year 10 used Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) to explore architectural floor plans and design a Tiny House. In year 8 Technology, students have been learning about digital technology and how to code, they are creating various codes that are then displayed on a micro:bit. Students had to use their micro:bits to create codes for a fidget cube, a counter and a board game. Students learnt the importance of the various steps they need to create the codes. They learnt to codes to display a smiley face, to count by odd and even numbers, etc.

Ms M. Cara
For Term 1, the Year 7 & 8 Visual Arts students studied the elements and principles of design and the composition of landscapes. They explored historical interpretations of landscape paintings and then chose a favourite landscape that inspired them for painting.

Ms M. Cara
This term, students gained a deeper understanding of core Islamic beliefs, in particular the 3 categories of Tawheed and the dangers of Shirk. Year 7 students studied Tawheed Ar-Rubobbiyah in depth, while students in Year 8 and 9 covered Tawheed Al-Uloohiyah and Tawheed Al-Asmaa wa Al-Sifaat. Year 10 students examined the importance of having the correct Aqeedah and staying on the straight path. Students of all grades discussed various claims made against Tawheed and how to refute such claims. Students in Year 9 created spectacular brochures about their studied topic.
Ramadan is the month of the Holy Quran and a time to strengthen our relationship with the Allah (S.W.T) through The Quran.
Students across all grades have been busy welcoming the month of Ramadan by increasing their daily recitation of the Quran, and participating in various competitions being held. Students in Year 7 spent Term 1 laying the foundations of Tajweed while students in Years 8 – 10 further developed their knowledge of Tajweed.
Furthermore, students used their creative side to decorate their classrooms in preparation for the month of Ramadan.