Alhumdullilah, MGGS commenced the year welcoming back our existing and new students. A warm welcome to our new families. Term One has been a very busy term with information nights, NAPLAN, swimming carnival, Ramadan and many more events taking place.
Our year 7 and year 9 girls sat for the online NAPLAN tests in March and Alhamdulillah, we were able to finish before Ramadan. NAPLAN was conducted in March for the first time this year from its usual May, term 2 schedule. Having the tests earlier means schools and families can get the results sooner and that will help inform MGGS teaching and learning programs. Students were prepared for the NAPLAN in class to avoid any surprises. The NAPLAN results will allow MGGS to see whether our girls are gaining the literacy and numeracy skills that are the critical foundation for other learning, and that support productive and rewarding lives.
Student achievement will this year be reported using proficiency standards, which provide simple and clear information on whether students are where they should be for their year level based primarily on what they have learnt in the previous year of school. There will be 4 levels of achievement across numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support, so parents and carers can see at a glance if their child has met proficiency.
It is expected parents will receive the 2023 NAPLAN results in term 3.
Empowering students with personalised learning
All of our girls at MGGS have access to Education Perfect. EP is an online tool used by teacher and students. It has a vast range of lessons and assessments which can be assigned by class teachers or students themselves depending on their needs and interests for all subjects.
EP provides the right balance between challenge and support through personalised, adaptive learning. Students are empowered with automated differentiation and creative, engaging classroom activities. EP tracks student performance across multiple factors to provide rich, usable data insights for all users. Giving students easy access to collated learning data allows for more time to action effective teaching and learning.
EP learning data facilitates:
- Differentiated delivery
- Individualised resourcing
- Personalised assessment
Please encourage your daughter to make the most use of this fantastic tool at home, especially over the holidays. Many teachers will be assigning Education perfect tasks for the girls to complete over the holidays.
MGGS hosted its first information night for our parents. We ran two sessions for year 7 & 8, and year 9 & 10. We discussed important items regarding our girls learning at MGGS. It was a pleasure to meet many of our parents on the night and we hope to see more parents for our next information nights.
MGGS would like to remind parents that school blazers are compulsory in term 2 and 3. Please ensure your daughter comes to school every day with her correct uniform including her blazer. Please ensure all clothing items are clearly labelled to avoid losing items.
The school exercise books have helped encourage girls to keep their bookwork neat and tidy. It is recommended parents look at their daughter’s books often. Teacher do collect books regularly and provide them with feedback.
Vaccination clinics will be conducted at MGGS on the following dates:
Monday 15/May/2023 9:00 am Yr7, 1st dose HPV Yr7, dTpa
Monday 24/Jul/2023 9:00 am Yr10, MenACWY
Monday 20/Nov/2023 9:00 am Yr7, 2nd dose HPV
Summary of the program is as follows:
• Year 7 students will be offered a two-dose course of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (6 months apart) and a single dose of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (dTpa) vaccine.
• Year 10 students will be offered a single dose of Meningococcal ACWY vaccine Catch-up program
• Year 7, Year 8 and Year 10 students who returned signed consent cards during 2022 but missed vaccinations, will be offered these vaccines in Year 8, Year 9 and Year 11 during 2023.
Parental consent is required for your child to receive routine vaccinations at school. If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide this consent online. You will receive an email from school with details on this year’s school vaccination clinic and information on how to provide consent for your child’s vaccinations.
On behalf of the MGGS community, we would like to wish you all a blessed Eid and happy holiday.
International Women's Day
The Year 7 girls designed and made a poster for International Women's Day in March 2023.